Buchinger fasting and alkaline fasting: two paths to health
Both Buchinger fasting and alkaline fasting are approaches to promote your health and internal cleansing.
In Buchinger fasting you fast for a certain period of time and eat juices and soups. This method enables thorough detoxification and purification of the body. You will be supported by the experienced Alkal Fasting Vital Trainer Beate and experience activities in nature, mindfulness exercises and enjoy relaxation. The goal is to regenerate the body and promote mental strength. Alkaline fasting is a milder alternative in which you eat alkaline foods to relieve the body. This supports the metabolism, strengthens the immune system and gently cleanses the connective tissue and intestines. It is ideal for those who do not want to give up solid food.
The choice between Buchinger fasting and alkaline fasting depends on your goals and preferences. Both approaches offer the opportunity to revitalize the body and promote health.
Bookable dates
01.12.-08.12.2023 Buchinger-Fasten
15.03.-22.03.2024 Buchinger-Fasten
08.06.-15.06.2024 Alkaline Fasting
We look forward to your registration.